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Useful downloads

Our course guides are available below to download for free, alongside some other useful documents on this page. 


With a wide range of full and part-time courses and apprenticeships available, we've got something for everyone. If you have any questions, aren't sure of your next steps or require any further advice and guidance, get in touch via email, or using our online enquiry form, or call 01670 622 099 to speak to a member of the Northumberland Skills team.


If you're ready to secure your place, apply now by clicking here or on the button below.

Download our school leavers'
16-18 years (full-time) course guide 

Our full-time course guide contains all of our full-time study programmes and apprenticeship training programmes for school leavers or those aged 16-18 years. Benefit from a mix of online study, classroom-based learning and work placement or experiences.


If you would like to find out more about specific study programmes, visit the school leavers' page to view and download the latest course information sheets.

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Part-time courses for adults

For the latest information on our part-time course for adults, click here or on the button below.

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Northumberland Strategic Skills Plan

The ambition of Northumberland Skills is to deliver outstanding vocational skills provision, which provides exceptional outcomes for individuals and provides clear progression pathways to high value careers in priority sectors allowing residents to thrive in the local labour market and future economic developments in the county.

Northumberland Strategic Skills Plan 2021-25-Front cover.jpg

Find out more about the long-term post 16 vocational skills and training approach by clicking on the front cover image on the left or by clicking here to download the Northumberland Strategic Skills Plan 2021-25.


Our mission, vision and values explained

Supporting you to learn, discover and grow, we've created a short document to explain our intent, shared values and goals to upskill residents and empower businesses across Northumberland. 

Our mission, vision and values explained front cover image - Updated for 24-25
Teacher in Classroom

Would you like our documents in other formats?

If you need our prospectuses or other information in any other format including large print, braille, audio, or another language, please contact us:

  • Telephone: 01670 622 099                  

  • Type talk: 01800 10845 600 6400 

  • Relay number: 018001 01670 623515                            

  • Email: 


If you are hearing impaired or can’t speak on the phone, contact us using Relay UK. Download the Relay UK app or using your existing text phone prefix our dedicated text Relay number: 018001 01670 623515. 

British Sign Language users can contact us using an online sign language interpreting service. You can find out more about Signvideo here.

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